Der'kii Magazine Article


Google changed search results to mobile priority.

Being the most important player in smart phone and technology, Google made a radical change in Search Engine Optimization in order to increase its dominance in the internet environment and to give more importance to mobile technology.

In the announcement made on its official page, Google clearly stated that as of April 21, 2015, websites with product compatibility will rank higher than before, and parallel to this, mobile content that has become standard will see more value in my lists. This radical step taken by Google not only makes a big change in Search Engine Optimization, it also means a complete change of the face of the websites.

It is obvious that the content that appears properly on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices will add to the page values. Therefore, it should not be overlooked that companies that put this technology forward will increase their own values ​​in a short time.

Karayel Tasarım, a Google Certified Partner, has been closely following the relationship between mobile technology and search engine optimization for more than seven years and helps you to make your sites mobile compatible.

Remember, it is an inevitable result that all sites that are not mobile-friendly will gradually disappear from search results.

What is E-Commerce?

What is E-Commerce, what is not ...

E-Commerce is a solution that will save you from taking window dusts for hours, deliver your products to the customer in the fastest and most direct way, and turn your business life into pink when done right. Recently, the main factor that has caused the spread of E-Commerce sites is the more and more adoption of the preferred Business to Customer method. However, E-Commerce can be not only Business-to-Customer but also Business-to-Business.

The road separation we come to here will be B2B (Business-to-Business), ie Business-to-Business or B2C (Business-to-Customer), ie Business-to-Customer. In any case, the main factors that will make the seller stand out from the others are obvious.

1) Security

It is the most essential item of E-Commerce. The VirtualPOS infrastructure used during money transfers through banks must be well integrated into your site, comply with data storage standards, and most importantly, the transaction (money transfer) transaction to be made must be encrypted (encrypted) so that nobody can see the socket that is transacted through an SSL certificate. It is important that such a critical and complex process should work with a company that has a good understanding of engineering.

2) Design

Half of this factor falls on you, while the other half falls on the company you work with for E-Commerce. Of course, if you sell good products, the loyal customer will choose you again. What about the first time? What is the use of an E-Commerce site that is out of date in design, does not provide enough communication channels to the user, does not provide quality visual and textual presentations about products? Here, while leaving yourself in the hands of a company, it is important to forget that your prestige is at the forefront.

3) Advertising

In an industry where competition is so great, maybe even endless, advertising is everything. You have opened a trading house on the Internet, yes, but what do you do if no one knows where they are or what they do business? You put up signs to show the way to the customer. Here, what will save you is the expertise of the company you work with. If the user is looking for a product and you can appear in front of the user while searching for that product or browsing social media or reading news, things are on the right track.

So E-Commerce consists of these three items? Of course not; However, these items are the most important for an internet user and the most difficult for an operator who owns or wants to be an e-commerce site. As Karayel Tasarım, it is a source of happiness and pride for us to present this trio, which is our area of ​​expertise, and to convey the experiences we have gained from the businesses we have built the E-Commerce site, including Bayramefendi Osmanlı Kahvecisi. Before you open up to the World of Internet, make sure you step through the correct door.